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HomeDigital MarketingTop 10 Blog Topics of 2019 to Write on

Top 10 Blog Topics of 2019 to Write on


Top 10 Blog Topics of 2019 to Write on – SEO Guide!

Blogging can get you great returns if it proves to be helpful to the visitors. But for that your blog must be specific for a niche so that you can build on making a stable audience.

If you are new to the world of blogging and have big ideas for your blog topics, you might want to consider the following parameters:

  • are you genuinely interested in writing consistently on the topic that you have selected?
  • do you feel like the audience you might be reaching out to will remain interested in your niche over a long period of time?
  • do you reckon your blog topics will bring about the revenue you are aiming for?

* does Google Trends have a higher rating of your main keyword?

If you answered yes to all of the above questions, then you’re good to go! But if you are still unsure about what sparks your interest and what you would like to do with your blog, then we have listed the best blog topics of 2019, according to different niches.

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The following niches are rather broadly classified, but these are the main areas where people seek online help.

1. Health and Wellness

One of the biggest niches is certainly health and wellness!

  • bodyweight fitness
  • yoga
  • triathlons and marathons
  • Hiking
  • keto diets
  • natural medicine
  • Mental health
  • Productivity
  • Self-care

The health and wellness industry is huge and there are always companies looking for endorsements of their products that they promise will improve one’s quality of life. If your blog reaches the right kind of audience, you will earn great revenue.

2. Financial Ideas and Understanding

Without any formal education in schools and colleges about how one should handle their finances, the internet has been largely insightful into helping one not only manage their income but also helping you generate more income.

  • Investment
  • Banking
  • Micro-financing
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Motivational speaking
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Building small streams of income
  • Career advice
  • Budgeting
  • Freelancing and UK writing

Read Also: How To Provide Valuable Content For Your Blog

3. Relationship Advice and Self-Reflection

People are always in need of guidance when it comes to this huge niche of blogging. There have been scores and scores of questions related to the following topics:

  • Parenting
  • pregnancy
  • Marriage
  • Divorce
  • Dating
  • Self-help and improvement
  • Emotional management
  • Productivity

4. Fashion

Although, it would be rather hard to make a blog that truly excels in this niche since it is already so oversaturated. But if you have ideas that make you stand out from the crowd; which could also include goth fashion, outfits on a budget or plus size fashion, you will end up building a decent size of audience – which could get you great returns.

5. Guides on How Things Work

The internet is full of knowledge and if you have hacks to share they can be very well received. Pick a niche in technology, diy, home improvement or automation and you are good to go.

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6. Lifestyle

This one is huge, a lot people have seen success as lifestyle bloggers. If have a unique way of living or lifestyle traits that enrich your life, then share them on a blog.

  • Recipes
  • Diets (keto, paleo)
  • Travel
  • Minimalism
  • Gym Lifestyle
  • Boating
  • Digital Nomadism

7. Education

This is not just related to academic education or providing services like professional essay service.

This niche can be anything from teaching a new language, sewing, knitting, self-publishing, study motivation, university ranking, university essay writing service, writing college applications, teaching graphic designing. The possibilities are endless!

8. Product Reviews

If you are authentically reviewing products, then you are sure to get great return on your blog. Make sure that you are reviewing products from a specific niche. This couple include:

  • video game reviews
  • book reviews
  • make up palette reviews
  • mobile gadget reviews
  • movie reviews

Further classifying this into a sub-genre will help you build a steadier audience. For example, with book reviews, you could choose books from the historical romance genre as a more specified niche.

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9. Spirituality

There has been a massive shift to spirituality due to the busy schedule of people and the amount of stress that it brings into their lives. Several blogs advocate the following ideas to help people become more mindful and avoid falling prey to their daily struggles:

  • mediation guides
  • concentration techniques
  • future self-journaling and authoring programs
  • educational blogs on religion and atheism

You must really practice all of the techniques you’re advocating to make your blog flourish.

10. Comedy

This is a hit or a miss. Your humor might not sound appealing to everyone, but if you reach out to the right kind of audience and are genuinely loved, then you can make it big with different product endorsements. Your blog topics can include:

  • personal stories about mishaps or of your school, workplace
  • memes and videos for a specific audience. The possibilities are endless, it could be about medical students, high school students, recently employed graduates or even screen grabs from your favorite movie.
  • satirical blogs on politics or world issues.

If you are genuinely funny and are liked by your audience, you can establish your blog in no time!

Hope the above mentioned blog ideas really had your creative muscle flexing. If you thought of a new idea in the course, then jot it down and do some research. Trends are always changing, but some niches still tend to earn big because of their pressing need in changing times. But the above mentioned topics will certainly help you build a good audience in 2019, if you put in the effort.

Read Also: How To Start Writing A Blog About Your Business

Author Bio:

A fourth year medical student and avid writer, juggling through life. All my efforts are invested into making the most out of my time and advocating the same to my fellow peers. By writing with PES, I have found an effective channel to influence and inspire others!


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