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Growing your business online while balancing childcare and family life can be a strain. Keeping your clients happy, looking after the kids, and running your household can mean promoting your own business loses out.
We outline some efficient digital marketing tips for home-working parents to keep leads coming in without taking up too much of your precious time.
Table of Contents
Getting started
One of the biggest challenges with creating your own marketing is knowing where to start. Buying yourself a little time is the first step. With a baby in the house, you can consider a baby bassinet to keep your little treasure entertained while you work. A baby crib also provides the perfect solution if it is time for a rest.
When you make it to your desk, let’s get into a great starting point for your digital marketing. First, think about creating a few core pieces of content that you can utilize across your campaigns. As a baseline, you will want a logo, color palette, and a recognizable font. Use these across all your materials for consistency and brand building.
Generate your content
Be realistic about your content. As a guide, try to produce at least a short blog each week about an interesting, thought-provoking topic related to your customers. Top tips and ‘5 reasons’ style articles are a great start and very SEO-friendly.
Putting together a simple content schedule and campaign template. This will help you plan topics that your audience will relate to. It also helps you ensure consistency across all your marketing channels.
Choose your channels
With some content to work with, you can now decide on the best channels to promote it. Think about your target audience and where they go to find information. Focus on particular social media platforms depending on your target demographic.
From your weekly article, you can craft a few days’ worths of social posts. You can also create some simple Google Ads and build an email database. Once you have decided on the best social media platforms for your audience, consider some paid ads to maximize your visibility.
Depending on your line of business, you can also consider listing your services on digital freelancer sites to generate leads.
Test, test, test
Run some tests across all your campaigns. Establish key marketing metrics for your website, social channels, and emails. Run A/B tests with all your content to see what works best.