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A concise guide for OSRS Bounty Hunter


OSRS Bounty Hunter

In the event that you’ve ever had the smallest tendency towards Player versus Player battle, there’s no preferred minigame over Bounty Hunter! In Old School RuneScape, PvP can feel very capricious and arbitrary: Bounty Hunter intends to add some structure and reason to the art.

Abundance Hunter has included an unpleasant history inside the game. In January 2020, the minigame was adequately eliminated because of bots cultivating the minigame. In April, the minigame was reestablished because of players being disappointed, and in July: seal redesigns were confined to 10 every day.

This guide will plan to give you an exhaustive comprehension of the minigame. In the event that set of experiences is anything to pass by, this minigame is unmistakably worth seeking after as a methods for entertainment only and reward.


The prerequisites are that you have a battle level of in any event 30, however, for certain highlights, you will require a battle level of at any rate 50. You will likewise require in any event 20 journey focuses. Further, you need 48 hours of genuine time spent in the game on your present record (which is to forestall botting).

What truly is Bounty Hunter?

This is a totally reasonable and intelligent inquiry. To clarify this just, we should overlook the prizes viewpoint, to rather zero in on the mechanics at play. Abundance Hunter entirely changes the manner in which the wild works, thusly, you should be on a Bounty Hunter world. The current universes are 329 and 510, the two of which are just accessible for individuals.

What truly is Bounty Hunter?

One thing to comprehend is this is PvP – on the grounds that it is a minigame doesn’t manage the cost of you any exceptional assurance as to your things and status. No-nonsense Ironmen are allowed to partake to the detriment of conceivably losing their status. Regardless of whether you’re a Ultimate Ironmen, comprehend that you will lose any thing that you have put away in any ‘thing recovery administration’.

For instance, on the off chance that you’ve kicked the bucket at Vorkath, Torfinn generally holds your things from your last passing. He’d charge you 100,000 OSRS gold to give you back your things. In the event that you pass on during this minigame, any things he put away are lost, similarly with some other ‘thing recovery administration’. This is the idea of any such assistance, as they will dispose of your things from any ‘dangerous passing’. One component that characterizes as a risky passing is PvP.

When you’re in a Bounty Hunter world, and you enter the wild, the minigame consequently starts – giving you have an Antique token or 20,000+ gold in your stock. You can likewise put a few coins in the Emblem Trader’s coffer as opposed to conveying the gold with you. You’ll get an objective that is coordinated to you dependent on your battle level. This implies in case you’re an elevated level player, you’re not generally coordinating against unadulterated records, you’re conflicting with somebody of your bore.

The interface gives you subtleties of where your rival really is and has their full subtleties. You’ll know their username and their battle level, and which wild level range they’re situated inside. Your objective will be skipped in the event that they leave the wild for more than two minutes. In case you’re the one skipping focuses through that technique, doing it unnecessarily will reverse discharge on you. This is since, in such a case that you skirt 5 focuses inside a 30-minute span, you no longer will get any objectives for 30 minutes.

Be that as it may, you can avoid your objective with no repercussions on the off chance that they’re not right now skulled, they don’t have an old fashioned image, or they’re in a multi-battle region (which forestalls families). A lesser cooldown from 30 minutes to 3 minutes is additionally applied if the objectives are more than 5 wild levels away.

After you slaughter your objective, just as accepting a few focuses, you get an opportunity to get an old fashioned symbol. On the off chance that you as of now have an old fashioned insignia, you rather get an opportunity on redesigning the level of the seal. The most ideal approach to have a higher possibility of updating is by gambling more. Murdering more significant level focuses than you will expand your odds of an update, just as conveying higher level old fashioned seals. Get that on the off chance that you bite the dust, your higher level antique seal turns into the property of your rival, so the prize is offset with the danger.

What are Bounty Tasks?

These are arbitrarily relegated assignments that are given to you, that reward 10 focuses for every culmination. When an errand is appointed, you’re under a 20-minute clock. You won’t get any abundance task except if you are at any rate battle level 50. There are numerous undertakings you can get, a few models include:

Executing your objective without utilizing Protect Item

Murdering your objective without body (chest) covering

Murder your objective with no detail supports

A few errands are hard to finish, for example, the second one in the above rundown. All things considered, you can skip it or simply overlook it. You can avoid up to three abundance undertakings consistently.

The primary attract to Bounty Tasks is the focuses, and the way that in the event that you complete them, you’re given a higher opportunity to get old fashioned symbols. These errands are anyway totally discretionary.

What are Hotspots?

Likewise with Bounty Tasks, you should have a battle level of at any rate 50, yet in addition have an antique symbol with you. These hotspots are arbitrarily chosen like clockwork and incorporate multi-battle locales just as single-battle districts. Should a multi-battle district be chosen (which you ought to dodge because of families), the following locale will consistently be a solitary battle one. A few instances of hotspots incorporate yet are not restricted to Lava Maze, Lava Dragon Isle, Chaos Temple, and some more. You should confront NPC beasts in these zones, which can likewise be utilized against you by your adversary in multi-battle territories.

Hotspots are consistently discretionary to battle in. Nonetheless, each murder in a hotspot rewards triple focuses and gives a higher possibility of updating your old fashioned seal. On the off chance that your current killstreak inside your present wild meeting is 2 or higher, in the event that you roll a redesign, it will overhaul your old fashioned token and your objective’s insignia.


There are numerous compensations from the minigame. On head of the plunder and gold you get from each execute, there are a few things that are elite to Bounty Hunter. For instance, for 1,200,000 focuses you can get a Rune Pouch as a note. You can sell this for around 1,500,000 gold on the Grand Exchange or get a Rune Pouch for yourself. On the off chance that you didn’t get it from Bounty Hunter, you’d need to get it from 750 focuses in Slayer reward focuses. You can visit the insignia broker in Edgeville for a full rundown of his present stock, on any abundance tracker world.

The primary award from the minigame is really fun. PvP can be very troublesome and, on occasion, even fury prompting. You’ll probably pass on various occasions: dread not, this is important for the cycle! Numerous individuals improve widely just by playing and putting forth a concentrated effort at the minigame. You’ll likewise be confronting rivals who are like your present level. Consequently, Bounty Hunter is at last about building up your ability in the domain of Player versus Player battle in Old School RuneScape.


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