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How Is LinkedIn Used for Marketing?


LinkedIn is a convenient and easy-to-use social media platform. There are many ways to use it for marketing purposes, which can help you expand your brand’s reach and increase your customer base.

It’s easy to set up a LinkedIn profile and get started on marketing.

It’s an excellent way to connect with current and potential clients. You can target specific industries, companies, job roles, and individuals. LinkedIn is useful for building brand awareness.

Before you get started, you’ll need to decide which LinkedIn marketing options are right for your business.

Utilizing LinkedIn ads

LinkedIn offers multiple advertising options to help you reach your target audience.

Text Ads

Text advertisements on LinkedIn work similarly to pay-per-click (PPC) ads on Google. These advertisements will appear almost everywhere besides news feeds. They will appear in users’ inboxes and on the right and bottom of the LinkedIn homepage.

LinkedIn’s targeting capabilities are unparalleled in the B2B space. Ads can be displayed only to the firms you’re attempting to sell to, or only to the key decision-makers, you need on board to seal a transaction.

Sponsored Content

As we’ve already established, LinkedIn text advertising won’t appear in feeds. However, if you do want your ads to appear on the feed, sponsored content may be the answer.

Advertisements on LinkedIn serve a similar purpose as promoted posts on Facebook. You may tailor who sees the post by selecting their demographic information; once seen, the post will appear in their feed with a subtle “sponsored” label.

Sponsored InMails

Promotion via InMail is another service provided by LinkedIn, and it is a potent instrument for B2Bs who actively operate and communicate with others on the network. With this clever ad format, you can easily reach any of LinkedIn’s 800 million users by sending them an InMail.

These advertisements have the appearance of genuine emails, providing a more direct and intimate channel of communication with your intended audience.

Publishing articles on LinkedIn

LinkedIn articles are generally used for informational purposes. They allow your company to show potential clients the kind of expertise you have. 

LinkedIn’s publishing platform is an effective way to showcase your personality, expertise, and thought leadership. The articles themselves can include images or videos, and they can be as long or as short as you want.

Although they are not as straightforward as ads, using LinkedIn articles as a marketing strategy can be effective in increasing brand awareness.

What’s more, you can establish yourself as a thought leader and expert in your field, which will expand your network.

These articles should concern relevant topics to your industry. Find out what your audience is interested in, then write an article that addresses their pain points.

Don’t forget to optimize your articles by using keywords. LinkedIn content can also be found via search engines, so using relevant keywords can help make your posts more visible. 

Joining LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn groups are useful platforms for networking, sharing updates, and discussing relevant industry topics. They can help expand your network, and they can also generate business leads.

It’s a good idea to join relevant groups, but be careful. Joining too many groups can dilute your brand’s message.

Make sure you identify groups that are relevant to your business. Look for groups with active membership. These groups will help you drive traffic to your website.

Post updates regularly, and respond to comments as soon as possible. Additionally, share interesting articles or news that group members may find valuable.

Finding influencers

Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful tactics in digital marketing. Using influencer marketing, you can get your content in front of your target audience, as well as expand your network.

LinkedIn has a powerful influencer search tool where you can search for influencers based on keywords, location, and industry.

You should select influencers based on the following:

  • Influencers who have a large following
  • Influencers who add value to the groups they participate in
  • Influencers whose opinions resonate with your target audience
  • Influencers who are relevant to your business
  • Influencers who post frequently
  • Influencers who are active in sharing resources

Once you find influencers, follow them. Repost their relevant posts, and comment on them personally. The more often you interact with them, the more likely they are to engage with your posts.

By following influencers, you can expand your network and increase brand awareness.

Thinking beyond LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a powerful marketing tool, but it is important to think of your business’s online presence as a whole. 

While LinkedIn is a destination where people tend to come for career-related topics, other online channels such as social media, blogs, and emails are equally important.

The good news is that all these channels can work together to help you reach your target audience. The key is to develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.

For example, you can use LinkedIn to generate new leads and make initial contact. Once you establish contact, you can move on to email marketing and social media.

Simply export LinkedIn contacts and use them to populate your email marketing system. You can easily do this with the help of a LinkedIn connections app. Then, you can direct people to your content by sharing it on social media.


LinkedIn is a powerful marketing tool. It offers multiple advertising options, and it allows you to target specific audiences.

It can help you generate new business, but it’s important to think about your business’s online presence as a whole.

Author BIO:

Brenda is a passionate business blogger, tech nerd and gamer. She is interested in topics that cover business communication, sales, online branding, digital marketing and social media, business tools and extensions, as well as organization and management of LinkedIn connections.

I am a coffee lover, marketer, tech geek, movie enthusiast, and blogger. Totally in love with animals, swimming, music, books, gadgets, and writing about technology. Email: Website: Facebook: Linkedin: Twitter:


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