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Cross-Platform App Development: Challenges and Solutions


Cross-Platform App Development

With the advancement of technology, businesses across the globe have found newer ways of developing mobile applications, and cross-platform app development is one of them. One of the prime reasons behind the increase in popularity of cross-platform app development is that it lets organizations expand their business rapidly and cost-effectively.

Whether bootstrapped startups or SMEs, or established enterprises, everyone is looking to explore the opportunities cross-platform app development has for them. It is because cross-platform apps have drastically reduced the overall app development cost and time, and mobile app development platforms such as Flutter and React Native have made it simpler to develop native-like applications.

But along with the advantages, the process of cross-platform app development has its share of challenges that businesses must know. Here, we will understand the different hurdles that enterprises might face if they opt for cross-platform app development. We will also see the solutions rendered by the app development process and how it will help business organizations in the long run.

Before diving deep into the challenges and solutions of the cross-platform app development process, let us see what makes cross-platform app development different from others.

How is the Cross Platform App Development Process different from others?

To understand what cross-platform app development brings to the table, it is essential to see the other options available for the top mobile app developers. Because if it is not cross-platform, it will be native app development.

Native apps, as the name suggests, is for a specific mobile OS platform, either Android or iOS. Developing native mobile apps for different platforms would require a different codebase set, different teams, more time, etc. On the other hand, hybrid apps can be a wayward mixture of the elements related to websites and mobile apps.

Cross-platform apps are written once and used for all the leading mobile OS platforms. Therefore, these mobile applications are perfect for businesses that are willing to use multi-functionality apps.

In addition, with cross-platform mobile apps, businesses can develop more customer-centric applications and keep their targeted audience happy. Moreover, it is a cost-efficient app development process and allows the business enterprise to cover a more extensive market horizon with minimal efforts.

After having a brief look at what makes the cross-platform app development process different from the rest, it is time to look at the hurdles of the cross platform app development process.

The Top Challenges in Cross-Platform App Development

Despite the appealing features that cross-platform app development offers, one cannot stay away from the fact that the hybrid app development process has a fair bit of challenges. We have included a few of the top hurdles that business organizations would have to face:

Meeting UI/UX Standards

It might be a little shocking, but one of the main reasons the majority of the cross-platform mobile applications fail is that they cannot do away with the unnecessary features. These features make it difficult for users to navigate through the app and ruin their overall app user experience.

Moreover, compared to the native apps that are all about beautiful and eye-catching graphics and design, the cross-platform apps cannot take full benefits of the functionality rendered by the mobile device. Also, each mobile device has its characteristics; thus, it becomes challenging to provide consistent functionality with a single universal code.

Time for Integration

Opting for cross-platform app development, businesses have to go through a lengthy integration process with the local settings, which will take time. In addition, there are specific integration issues with some of the operating systems that often cause a hurdle in the cross platform app’s overall performance.

Also, there are chances of non-compatibility between the native and non-native components of different smartphone devices.

Limited Updates

The cross-platform apps cannot utilize all the features provided by the mobile device or the framework, which puts a major dent in the overall user experience. For example, if there is any update in the Android version, the developers would update the same. On the other hand, they cannot update the iOS version until Apple releases a similar update.

Therefore, the horizon of updates to increase the user experience is limited in cross-platform apps.


There is no doubt that good performance is one of the essential characteristics of a mobile application. The app’s performance depends on several factors such as the complexity of the app, ability to pass acceptance criteria, its design, mobility, testing process, etc. But when it comes to native vs cross-platform applications, the former wins the race by just an inch.

However, the difference in performance is tiny; the speed of the native app will be a bit faster than cross platform apps. This is especially true in cases where the hardware or the core system related features and functionalities impact the overall performance of the application.

Limited Tool Support

A business organization must opt for cross-platform app development when they know what they want to include in their project. There are not enough tools available for customizing the cross platform app for several business enterprises.

Thus, hiring experienced cross-platform app developers becomes essential as, regardless of the framework, they are well-versed in their art and can make path-breaking cross-platform apps.

Where Cross-Platform App Development can be “THE SOLUTION”

After looking at the hurdles a business enterprise would face while using cross-platform apps, it is time to look at the brighter side. Some immaculate solutions are available in the app development process, which even overshadows the challenges and makes cross-platform app development a treat to work on.

Quick Prototyping

Prototyping is the procedure that ensures that the process of product development is on the right path and the entire idea is slowly coming to life. In cross-platform app development, the prototyping process is simple and effective, which helps in making the overall cross-platform application development process faster.

Native feel and developers’ availability

Business organizations must have an idea about how native they want their mobile application to be according to the audience’s needs. Using popular cross-platform app development frameworks makes it easier for the dedicated mobile app developers to design human interface guidelines for the iOS apps and material design for the Android apps seamlessly. Thus, the end-users get the same native feel and a great time using the cross-platform app.

Moreover, for cross-platform app development, the enterprise would require one developer instead of two or three to complete the project. Thus, there is no shortage of app developers as well.

Costing and Time

One of the top advantages of cross-platform app development is that it is pocket friendly and allows bootstrapped startups to begin their quest for glory. However, business enterprises must keep in mind that when the cost of feature upgrades and maintenance is added, the overall costing of the cross-platform app also increases. But at the nascent stage, cross-platform app development will be helpful.

As a single codebase is used to develop apps for different mobile OS platforms, the time taken to develop an app also decreases. Thus, it becomes easier for the enterprise to roll out their app into the market without delay.

Highly Flexible Platform

The flexibility of the cross-platform app development frameworks allows the app developers to shift from one framework to the other swiftly. The adaptability of the cross-platform apps makes them a crowd favorite and compels the business organizations to incline towards them more.

Final thoughts

The business organization must have a transparent thought process before adopting cross-platform app development. This process of app development is excellent for startup enterprises and for business organizations who want to develop the app in a quick time and cost-effective way.

Furthermore, the development process is highly adaptable for developing corporate applications. Therefore, selecting from the top cross platform app development companies is always advised to get the desired results from cross-platform apps.

Cross platform app development solutions have their own share of perks and perils and thus must be used according to the requirements. Also, along with a clear thought process, business enterprises must do proper market research to know if their targeted market actually wishes to have hybrid apps or not.

Author Bio:

Avantika Shergil

An enthusiastic Operations Manager at – A dedicated directory of IT service providers, coordinating and managing the technical and functional areas. She is an adventure lover, passionate traveller, and admirer of nature, who believes that a cup of coffee is prime source to feel rejuvenated. Researching and writing about technology keeps her boosted and enhances her professional journeying.



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