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HomeEducation8 Surprising Benefits of Creative Writing for Kids

8 Surprising Benefits of Creative Writing for Kids


Up until now, you must have been thinking that creative writing for kids is an exercise which only helps them improve in the English subject. But that is about to change as we tell you about the surprising benefits of creative writing in the overall development of kids. Creative writing involves story writing in a way that appeals to the reader and keeps them hooked. It makes children challenge themselves to think, imagine, and express which develops their problem-solving and communication skills. By teaching your child story writing at an early age, you can help them get a head start in exploring their writing style and giving them enough space for improvement.

Here are the top 8 benefits of creative writing for kids:

1- Sparks Imagination and Creativity

Children build and live in their own imaginative world which is filled with creativity whether it is living in space with millions of stars or swimming with mermaids in the ocean. These little creative heads can imagine the most unbelievable things and come up with a story. Creative writing involves adding flair to any scenario, character or situation that they can think of. This way kids get an outlet for their creativity.

2- Enhances Self-Expression

Creative writing helps children convey their feelings, put forth their opinions, and helps them develop their voice. This brings out their individual personality and makes them more self-aware by clarifying their thoughts and emotions.

3- Boosts Self-Confidence

When your child is just trying their hand at story writing, they may not get everything right. Getting the grammar, punctuations, and spellings correct can be a lot for their developing brain. But as they get better with practice, it boosts their confidence to realize that they finished a piece of story writing all by themselves.

4- Improves Problem Solving Skills

Kids have the ability to think of innovative solutions that adults could never come up with. While creative writing, observe how your kids come up with solutions for the problems that the main story characters face. They have a fresh perspective towards things which develops problem-solving skills for kids and hence prepare them for the future.

5- Improves Communication Skills

Creative writing for kids develops the ability to articulate their thoughts into words with clarity and effectiveness. It teaches children to not overlook the details and keep their writing engaging. It helps them verbalize thoughts and visuals artistically. Good communication skills will help your kids in all walks of life as they grow old.

6- Helps Them Socialize Better

This may come across as unexpected but did you know that creative writing can also lead your kids to build a better connection with their peers? It opens many doors for social interactions. Children share their stories with others and that becomes a trust building exercise helping them make new friends.

7- Averts Mental Health Issues

It is often said that writing about your feelings in detail helps release anxiety and stress. It prevents bottling up emotions. Some kids may find it difficult to discuss their state of mind face-to-face with others. That’s where creative writing can come to the rescue. It can help promote the mental stability of your children.

8- Makes Them Smarter

With the progress in creativity, communication, and problem-solving skills, your kids are bound to become smarter and more confident. It shapes their personality positively. Also, the more they write, the more they will get inspired to read books which will further open a world of knowledge to them.

Encourage your kids to write by starting gradually with things that they are familiar with. Appreciate their writing and be patient with helping them hone their creative writing skills. Support them by building a writing-friendly environment with dedicated space and resources. Lastly, enjoy your kids unleash their inner author with creative writing!

Author Bio:

Samidha Raj - content marketing

Samidha Raj works as part of the content marketing team at PlanetSpark, a platform that provides online classes to K8 learners on “New Age Skills” like, English Communication, Public Speaking, Grammar, Creative Writing, Debating, etc. She is passionate about empowering the youth by educating parents about the importance of 21st-century skills. In her free time, you can find her watching documentaries or animated movies and organizing game nights (board games are her thing)!

I am a coffee lover, marketer, tech geek, movie enthusiast, and blogger. Totally in love with animals, swimming, music, books, gadgets, and writing about technology. Email: rimmy@techrecur.com Website: https://www.techrecur.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/techrecur/ Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/techrecur/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechRecur


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