Remember that amazing campaign by Coca-Cola where a vending machine they installed will give you a free drink when you hug said machine? I, myself recall thinking that it was a pretty innovative way of not just propagating the label’s name but also creating a positive brand image.
But do you know what was even more interesting? The fact that they didn’t simply stop at that but ensured that you and I know about this campaign by the means of a video that quickly became viral all over the social media networks.
We never really gave it a thought because getting news from overseas is so completely ingrained in our minds, but the marketers behind this idea knew the impact this one video can create. While it cost them a little in the beginning, the publicity received through the highly shared video vastly overshadowed the toll.
This is exactly what we mean by visual content marketing.
It is essentially a manner in which useful information as well as data can be relayed to both the existing and new customers, through the means of visually accessible content like images, videos, and infographics, etc.
About 71% of marketers have rated visual content as holding more than the estimated amount of importance, as per a study compiled and published by HubSpot.
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Importance Of Visual Content Marketing
Admittedly, several benefits can be listed down in regards to an excellent marketing strategy. However, the top 3 factors that enhance this importance multifold are as follows:
Grabbing Attention
Colors and unique creatives have been found to be some of the most eye-catching elements in any advertisement or informational piece. Thus, rather than a plain black and white text filled document or blog, try adding a splash of colors with some vivid and relevant pictures, videos, infographics, or even memes.

Lasting Impression
All of us go through pages upon pages of textual data every day, consciously and subconsciously, sometimes without paying attention to the fact that those are just some words written on a monochrome background. However, soon as it is combined with something that adds a notable exclusivity to the entire look and feel of the content, it ensures a longer-lasting impression than the basic print format. Alongside that, there is also the fact that the human brain processes visual data 65% better than simple text and can retain it up to 3 days.
Higher ROI
Return on Investment is often the foremost factor that is discussed before taking important business decisions. Seeing as the ROI on visual content is generally seen to be on the higher end compared to the traditional means, it is highly advisable to take the right step ahead and ingrain within the business the best visual marketing processes.
Increasing Traffic To Your Site
Increasing the number of unique visitors to their website is one of the more important goals for most businesses. And figuring out what marketing mix works best for that is a crucial part of that journey.
That means determining how each marketing technique works is also essential. Therefore, we have prepared for you a list of ideas that can help you with this task.
Use Pictures and Videos
According to a study, on an average, masses spend close to 7 hours on the web every week going through video content shared on multiple platforms. Pictures also include not just random creatives but product photos and that of work-in-progress as well. For example, Pack & Send, an eCommerce fulfillment service center has its product and service pictures strewn all over the site that provides its audiences a better idea and understanding of what to expect.
Have you heard of the popular campaign that Uber and Spotify started jointly in efforts of co-marketing, where Spotify lets you create a customized playlist for your Uber ride? If not, then it’s something you must check out. A brilliant feat in the co-promotion arena, this step means that both said companies will be promoting not just themselves with this idea but also each other. What they did, to some might seem that it isn’t a visual marketing step, but it is to be noted that under this campaign, a lot of visual aids were created that helped promote both brand names.
Use Comics and Memes
Both comic strips and memes have been and are still rapidly growing in popularity owing to their ability of conveying the entire gist of what they want to express in just a few words coupled with appropriately placed images. These are humorous which makes the viewers prioritize reading them first over all the other textual information mentioned therewith. Thus using memes could be the ideal option you were looking for to enhance your visual marketing content significantly.
Data Visualization
Reading bar graphs and pie charts has always been easier than reading their corresponding tables, even for a layperson who is unaware of the complete context – and that is the truth! That means instead of spending time on writing those elaborate tables and leaving them as it is with your promotional or informational content, maybe go a step ahead. Make some beautiful diagrams that grab your audiences’ attention at a glance and in a way that interests and excites them to read the data mentioned alongside it.
Make Infographics
Infographics are basically informative pieces of content, especially graphical abstracts, figures or statistics, designed appropriately in a manner that they match the topic they’re talking about. For instance, the image below shows an infographic based on visual content marketing and all the relevant data is displayed therein with images that are self-explanatory.
Key Takeaways
The above steps are made as to work in all kinds of spaces where you can exhibit content – from your social media pages to blog posts and even pop-ups. Remember, the more interested you make the viewers about your brand, the more likely they are to visit your site. And that is the ultimate goal, isn’t it?
Now that we have presented to you the importance of visual marketing, we hope you make use of it optimally and drive your website’s traffic higher every day.
All the Best!