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HomeEducationHow artificial intelligence help students in their academics

How artificial intelligence help students in their academics


How artificial intelligence help students in their academics

Education faces a real challenge. The new millennium came with a series of challenges that went through providing quality education, accessible to all citizens of the planet and managing to reduce, as far as possible, the cost of this education. Artificial Intelligence has come to the classroom to face this situation and to open the doors of the classes to all types of profiles, a fact that undoubtedly implies a disruptive change.

The core innovations, in the field of ​​artificial intelligence, applied to technology-mediated education. They break with traditional education structures and try to propose teaching and learning in a personalized way, adapting the contents, activities, instruction and reasoning, to the peculiar needs of each of the students. The above is accomplished because they keep the cognitive profiles of each of them stored and constantly updated. Some of the innovations are known as autonomous as they take the initiative throughout the educational process by using some intellectual techniques, tools or systems thus offering compliance conferring to the rhythms and learning times deprived of losing the demand. The consequences allow us to conclude that a teacher’s strong determination is required to incorporate these innovations into their educational work. This is not the end, there is still a long way to go in the area of ​​artificial intelligence.

This article will reveal some of the main innovations in the area of AI applied to education and crafting the unbelievable results.

Intellectual Tutoring systems:

They are educational environments designed to offer instruction and continuously support the teaching and learning processes, through the construction, updating and analysis that reflect the behavioral and cognitive aspects of each student. They represent more advanced pedagogical tools and provide more individualized learning experiences, which allows the teaching and learning processes to be more adaptable.

Smart tutoring systems have four modules:

  • The person in charge of guiding the teaching and learning processes decides what pedagogical actions he performs, how and when. It is also responsible for planning and re-planning educational activities according to each student. Choose the appropriate types of problems to solve, in addition to controlling and criticizing student performance.
  • Educational content. It provides the domain of knowledge that is intended to be taught, which must be pedagogically organized to facilitate the task of the tutoring module. It can be modified by the teacher or expert in the teaching area.
  • Student’s cognitive profile. It represents the image that the system has about the student’s learning characteristics, manages their individualized information, their behavior, limitations, difficulties and motivations; to make it possible to formulate hypotheses with the purpose of re-planning the activities.
  • Responsible for managing the interactions between the system and the students.

Educational robots:

Robotics is becoming increasingly important as an educational and pedagogical tool because it facilitates that children can begin to develop from very early ages, and through recreational activities, capabilities that will be of great use in their future lives.

Robotics is a compendium of different disciplines that provides children with knowledge related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Transmitting them in a transversal and fun way this range of knowledge facilitates the development of logical thinking while stimulating their creativity and allowing them to familiarize themselves with the operation of programmable objects with which they are already in daily contact.

And indeed, there are many advantages and benefits that robotics brings to the education and development of children. It allows children themselves to be involved in their own learning processes, improves their self-esteem and their eagerness to overcome while helping them improve their tolerance for frustration. Hence it is advisable to introduce it into the school curriculum from an early age.

Cognitive neuroscience:

Another significant element that AI has taken as a starting point to support educational processes are the investigations of the area of ​​psychology, in relation to the study of the brain, consciousness and the nervous system in general, called cognitive neurosciences. In this sense, the ultimate goal of the enormous potential offered by technology, from which education takes advantage, is to design tools that allow customizing the different learning objects (OVA), educational activities or reasoning of each of the students in particular. It is also useful to capture in real-time the interaction data that a person has when using a specific OVA or e-learning platform, which allows him to automatically generate information related to the measure of satisfaction.

This innovation has a high impact on education, since it reduces the bias of errors at the moment of making a decision, because the data is not captured by answers provided by the student via keyboard or mouse, but they are metrics taken in real-time according to the impulses of the brain waves (alpha, theta, beta, among others) that it has when it reasons on a certain subject.

Artificial vision 

The most blessed element of AI used in education, such as the inclusion of people with disabilities, is artificial vision, whose purpose is the design of a series of algorithms that allow describing scenes at a given time. One of these algorithms is called Eye tracking.

After being encoded, the eye-tracking algorithm automatically recognizes the eyes of the person in front of a screen, so that with a wink you can perform some specific action, such as writing a letter, then another and so on go building a text. The algorithm has been implemented in mobile devices, such as smart cell phones and tablets, looking for people with disabilities to achieve some kind of autonomy. These innovations allow this population (who cannot speak, do not have arms, among others), to be included in education through the environments or scenarios of virtual education (e-learning), similar to how a student who is not in a condition of disability;

Representation, extraction and reasoning 

The most common technique is Case-Based Reasoning (RBC), and it works by trying to solve new problems in a similar way as human beings do; that is, using the experience accumulated so far in similar events.

This technique is a paradigm of problem-solving and learning that does not require an explicit model of knowledge, so the process of acquiring knowledge is reduced to the collection of cases. In the implementation, large amounts of data can be managed, identifying the relevant characteristics that describe the cases or through the incorporation of the same, their maintenance being easier. A case consists of three elements: the description of the problem, the solution that was applied and the result of the solution. The case set is organized into a structure called case memory. The representation, indexing and storage of cases are aspects of great importance to make the search and comparison process more effective and efficient.


There are currently major changes in the way people live and learn, especially due to the impressive advances in the field of information technology and telecommunications, which represent new challenges for researchers in the area of ​​AI. in education. The contributions of AI have a favorable impact on student learning since it respects their rhythms, times, spaces and culture.

Author Bio:

Jon Sven is Ph.D. in Machine Learning with over 20 years of research experience in Artificial Intelligence. He is researcher, developer, and practitioner and published over 150 scientific papers in different journals, research papers, books. He accompanying with numerous international science and artificial associations and keep going on educating people regarding the advancements of AI, thus help them to improve their life, both individually and collectively, through technology. Law Assignment Writing Service UK especially work for Students and provide assistance in their Law writing in collaboration with expert legal writers. We are really honored to engage Jon for delivering some of his advancements and knowledge through this platform.


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