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HomeCyber Security5 Essential Security Tips and Tricks That Protect Your PHP Site From...

5 Essential Security Tips and Tricks That Protect Your PHP Site From Hackers


Essential Security Tips and Tricks

Did you just host your first PHP website?

Well, Congratulation, that’s a step forward. However, did you take enough measures to prevent your website from any external treats?

Even after so much technological advancement, there is nothing on the internet that cannot be hacked, by any 3 rd party. In a matter of a few hours, a hacker can easily bypass the security of your website. So, it really important to take the necessary precautions and enhance your website with whatever security, you can.

Before you begin wondering how are you going to fix this problem of yours, we would suggest analyzing your website properly. You should be aware of your website structure and the programming language used for its development. If you have also used PHP, one of the most common programming languages used for web development, then you are in the right place.

As we going to discuss the major loopholes that are commonly missed out by even the most experienced PHP developers. We will also be providing you with the appropriate solutions to these hidden loopholes. However, if you are working on a professional website then we would recommend you hire PHP developers. An unprotected business website can be really lethal and might cost you your whole business.

You can safeguard your PHP website from attack by cybercriminals through the following 5 Security Tips.

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)

It is one of the most dangerous cyberattacks performed by hackers. It is done by injecting any malicious piece of code or script to your PHP website. This piece of code can be really fatal as it can easily affect the cores of your web application. The most dangerous aspect of this type of attack is that it happens without any knowledge of the user, or the website owner. The most common websites, that are targetted for this type of attack are the ones that require the users to submit data.

Here, the injected code replaces the original code on your website, however, it won’t affect the working of your website, rather allow the attacker to steal and monitor your website’s data. You can prevent your website from using this type of attack by using special HTML chars and ENT_QuOTES.

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

This is a little advanced level attack that shifts the control of the website from the actual user to the attacker completely. With complete control, attackers can easily steal, modify, or even transfer data to any third party. they can even alter the request to send the users to some malicious website, or performing tasks like transferring funds, deleting databases, etc all without any knowledge of the user.

The CSFR attacks are carried out by disguising malicious links and sending them out randomly. If anyone clicks these links CSRF attack is initiated. So, the first precaution to such attacks is to remain aware, knowledgeable, and think smartly. The other ways are to use a GET request in your URL.

Session Hijacking 

This is a type of attack where the attacker gains access to a user’s session ID and gain access to their accounts. Session hijacking can easily be performed through an XSS attack or by accessing the session data.

The best way to prevent such attacks you can bind your user’s sessions to the IP addresses. This will easily let you know when some will try to bypass your security.

SQL Injection 

SQL is the backend of your website, that actually stores all the website’s data. This is one of the most common attacks. Here, a random URL pattern is used to gain access to the database or web forms that communicate with the backend are used.

The prevent SQL injection attacks it advised user queries with some parameters. The PDO queries easily rule out any possibility of SQL inject attack.

SSL Certificates 

SSL certificates allow an end to end data transmission over the internet. This rule out the chances of any third party interaction with the data during the transmission.

Author Bio:

 Hermit Chawla is a MD at AIS Technolabs which is Web Development and Digital marketing Company, helping global businesses to grow. I would love to share thoughts on best cake php developer, Social Media Marketing Services ,Game Design Development etc.

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