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HomeIndustryWhy Security Is More Important Than Privacy

Why Security Is More Important Than Privacy


It’s a common misconception that security and privacy go hand in hand. Some people value their privacy more than their security. Others tend to lean toward security more. At the end of the day, one prevails over the other. Here are just a few points highlighting why security is more important than privacy for those interested.

The Outlook of Privacy Being More Important

If your interests lie with privacy, that is more of a personal enterprise of independence than anything else. If security is for the sole purpose of maintaining your privacy, then you have a false sense of security.

You build privacy for yourself outside of security, and we aren’t just speaking to inner security. We are discussing a defensive tactic to help you maintain your independence instead of just wanting it. This is more of a forward-style approach to freedom.

How Security Wins Every Time

If you consider security more important, you will see things from the opposite side of the spectrum. Your safety comes first; you can protect what is yours if you have the proper security. Biometrics are now being implemented into security systems in the workplace and at home to link privacy and security. Still, security is the driving force.

Both biometrics and security work together to keep our information and personal and work lives safeguarded. This brings about the debate on physical versus logical access control. One protects the physical side of things, such as the workplace and personal items. The other protects information, as stated above.

The Result Is Improved Surveillance

It may not be the resolution you expected, but surveillance treats both as equals. With security and privacy in mind, you can easily identify the culprit of any wrongdoing with good surveillance. Biometrics also alert the system of a possible intruder or someone attempting to steal information.

If we are focusing on our lives, it’s obvious that security comes first every time. Security is more important because it provides levels of privacy and defends where privacy alone cannot.


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