Purchasing tires is not something that car owners do on a regular basis. The only time drivers ever buy tires is when they have to replace old ones or in situations where they really need to like when they encounter accidents or when a mechanic says they have to. Now you find yourself in that position and you search for tire shops and you’re stuck with two main options: buying from your local store and buying online.
There are plenty of online and brick-and-mortar tire shops where you can buy tires from. The things that can help you decide where to buy them are the important factors that you need to consider, such as the capability and requirements of your vehicle and your budget.
You could gain from shopping from either but of course, you’re here because you need help to make your decision. This resource article will provide you with information regarding local and online tire shops based on consumers’ reasons and car requirements to help you decide where you should buy your tires.
Table of Contents
Inventory and selection
Local tire shop – a local tire shop can give you personalized service with many different tires in stock. There are readily available stocks of tires for certain brands of cars, and one of them might be for yours. How large their selection will be though, depends on how many brands their local distributor has.
They’re also good for unusual tires and tires with special applications. In-house staff can also assist you if you need help to decide on what tires to buy.
Online seller/shop – Online sellers such as Go Gulong tire shops have a larger tire selection. Some even allow you to discover brands that you have not heard of yet. You can also filter the selection by brand or size so you can browse through them and easily find what you need. Online shops get their supply from distributors and brick-and-mortar shops that they are partnered with.
Local tire shop – tire shops are mostly open on a regular schedule as yours. They are open from 9 to 5, which is convenient for unexpected circumstances (i.e. accidents) that may happen while you’re on the road headed somewhere. On the other hand, it may take a lot out of your time, depending if there’s a queue of customers before you get to the place.
Online seller/shop – With online shops, you can make your purchase at almost any time as long as you have access to the internet. Websites also usually indicate how much stock they have left of the set that you’re looking for so their customers are advised. You also don’t have to spend time in the shop and wait in line, as your order will be delivered or shipped to you or the shop where it will be installed, while you wait at home.
Local tire shop – you can talk face-to-face with the staff of a physical shop about the prices, payment options (if they offer more options other than the common), and other concerns with your purchase, such as installation, which you’ll be able to see on-site once you’ve bought your new tires. You’ll be able to find out if the shop you’re buying from is not being upfront with you, especially when it comes to the charges that they are placing..
Online seller/shop – Online shops have reviews to show for their potential customers. The great thing about reviews is that you can see the previous customer’s feedback on the shop’s service. Be wary though and don’t fall for false reviews.
Online shops also let you track your order. You will be able to know where your orders are in the process and the estimated time you’ll receive them.
Final thoughts
Now that you know some of the advantages and disadvantages of both, it’s ultimately up to you to decide. Weigh what you’ve learned from here and choose one for yourself. Keep in mind that your goal here is to find what is best for you and your car.
Author’s Bio:

Rosette has a knack for anything DIY, but not only that, she also knows a lot about manly chores and stuff as she spent her younger years immersed in books about hardware tools, equipment, and tires. As a child, she once dreamed of establishing her own hardware & tire store. Her career options may have changed, but today, she continues to write so passionately about her first love.