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HomeConsumersBest 5 Online Movie Streaming websites

Best 5 Online Movie Streaming websites


As the number of online users are increasing, so is the demand of the online movie streaming websites. Now the trend is shifting from the traditional movie theaters and TV screens to an online screen where the people are using online websites to watch their favorite TV shows and movies.

Many of the multinational companies are focusing on this field and sites like Amazon and apple are already building their empire. There are also sites like meetme where people are getting their perfect mates and partners so as to have leisure time. Above all these internet companies are focusing on online products rather than offline as they know the power of the internet and how they can flourish while going online.

You can find several movie sites which offer an exclusive content of movies and videos. But when copyright laws come in action you cannot download or copy the videos and other files from these websites. There are many fake websites which steal the data of the users and other sensitive information. So it is advisable to make the payment in trusted sites only.

Make sure that the websites where you are doing the transaction are trusted and have an SSL certificate so that your private information may not be leaked on any of other websites or over the internet. So we are listing some of the best and trusted online movie streaming websites just for you so that you can easily watch the videos in your leisure time.

Online Movie Streaming websites


You may be unaware of the fact that many of the movies and TV shows can be watched on YouTube itself. It is a massive library of videos where every second thousand of videos are uploaded and it is the most trusted and used brand website among the users. Over 1 billion videos are watched every hour by the users. It has some great features like:

  • You can share unlimited files and videos on this website and you can find many of the movies just right there itself.
  • Being the movie streaming website, it also streams live videos across the world.
  • In order to connect to the customers, YouTube gives massive options from its list and users and enjoy unlimited content on this website of their choice as the videos are available in more than 100 countries like Asia, Africa, etc.

Sony Crackle

Since the operation started of Sony pictures Entertainment is aimed at hosting many free TV shows and videos in this arena. It is a multinational streaming website that is available in more than 20 languages over the world. It has some exclusive features like:

  • The website is compatible with iOS, Andriod, Blue-Ray player, Roku and other formats are also accepted like HD, FHD and SD.
  • Its partners are Columbia Pictures and 20th Century Fox and other big companies which aims at providing valuable content to their users.
  • It also has a parental control feature that prevents small children from viewing X rated videos.
  • It has diverse streaming videos in genres like sci-fi action, comedy, horror, drama, etc.

Popcorn Flix

This website is quite easy to handle as it has a very interactive user interface. Whether you want to play your favorite web series or watch the latest movies then you can visit these websites. Here are some cool features of this website:

  • If you want the website for your kid then just search for popcornflix kid. You will only get videos of small children.
  • This website supports more than 12 leading platforms like Windows, iOS, etc.
  • The website always stays updated with the latest content and around1500 videos are uploaded in every genre.
  • There are no pop-up ads or other disturbing features so that the viewers can watch the videos without any disturbance.

Tubi TV

This website hosts some of the most interesting videos and shows on their server. You can also watch the videos of the 80s and the most recent ones. You must visit this website and give a trail to it. Here are some of the cool features.

  • It supports devices like iOS, Android, Sony, Amazon Fire TV, PS 3\4 and other platforms.
  • There is an option to share the videos among your friends via Facebook and other social networking sites.
  • The videos are streamed without any hindrance and interruption. Just you have to make sure that your internet connection is working well.
  • They have partnered with some of the high-quality companies which offer high quality content.


If you want to watch more of technological stuff then switch on to Vudu. It hosts the shows of several TV programs and other videos of the United States and Canada. The websites also host some of the vintage movies and videos. Some of the features are listed below:

  • It has a search filter where you can filter out the videos according to the length and other parameters like genres, year, MPPA Rating, etc.
  • The newly improved feature gives an extra edge where navigation is made extremely easy for the users to use.
  • There are several formats available like 1080p, 480p. etc.


So these were some of the cool websites which you should definitely try. Just make sure that you have a fast working internet connection and grab a bowl of popcorn and watch the movies flawlessly. In case you have other websites that are most valuable than the above-mentioned list then you can tell us by commenting in the comments section below. We will your website with your name in our next article related to online movie streaming websites.



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