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HomeB2B7 Helpful Tips for Overcoming Writers Block

7 Helpful Tips for Overcoming Writers Block


Writers block happens to every single person. Every writer or creative content maker has had a point where they just can’t think of anything to save their life. The sad part is that many people give up because of this very reason. Writers block ends up discouraging people from continuing on with their ideas. I’m here to tell you to not give in to that and that there’s ways that this mental block can be overcome. Don’t let your original and imaginative ideas go to waste because you didn’t feel particularly productive one afternoon or because you had a bad day. We all have those but it’s important to remember not to let that overshadow our writing process.

Here below are 7 techniques that you can try out when you face writers block.

Step 1) Engage in another hobby that gets your creativity flowing.

 This can be done by temporarily leaving whatever you were writing and maybe try your hand at something easier and more fun that will put you in a more creative and overall better mood that will end up finishing your writers block. Whether this is painting, drawing, making something out of Legos, or even cooking. This extra activity should just serve the purpose of putting you in a better mood and letting you feel more creative.

Step 2) Try your hand at some free writing. 

 This is a tried and tested technique that is known to bring people out of their mental block. The idea is that when you feel like you can’t write anymore and that there’s a mental restriction on your mind, just put your pen to the paper and keep writing literally anything that comes to mind. In this small exercise, which can be anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes depending on how long you need, you should completely ignore any grammatical or punctuation rules and just keep writing whatever random nonsense comes to mind. Even if it is total gibberish, you should encourage yourself to get all and any thoughts from the top of your head out on the paper as a way to mentally free yourself up.

Step 3) Get some exercise. 

There’s a chance that when you were younger and your classroom was feeling all too bored or sleepy, your teacher might have made you get up and do some exercises so that the entire class becomes more alert. Well if that’s true, then it wasn’t for nothing. Getting up and moving your body gets your blood pumping faster, gives you adrenaline and subsequently makes your mind more mentally alert and prepared and if needed, can make your thoughts flow more smoothly, tackling that writers block.

Step 4) Get rid of any distractions.

 First off, a cluttered desk can even subconsciously put your mind in a state of confusion and that can at times cause it to block, so make sure it’s clean and tidy. Secondly, try writing when everyone else is asleep so you can have a better-uninterrupted focus. Also, the best thing you can do to overcome distractions is to turn off your phone or put it on silent after disconnecting from the Wi-Fi. No writer can function normally when they’re constantly checking WhatsApp notifications.

Step 5) Try to start your writing process early in the morning.

 Many writers have said that they are at their best and most creative moos early in the morning right after they wake up. At that point your mind has just finished dreaming, meaning it’s in a fairly creative space, and the troubles and tensions of the day have not started to enter your mind to distract you from your writing.

Step 6) Write even as you sleep. 

This may sound odd or even stupid but basically, the idea is that our subconscious never really sleeps or rests and that even while we are sleeping, it is constantly thinking and pondering over stuff. So what some writers facing writers block do, is that they will fall asleep thinking about the chapter that they are stuck on and keep thinking about it as they fall asleep. When they awake in the morning, their mind has found a way to resolve the issue they were having and they can continue their writing. Try this out and see if it works for you.

Step 7) Drink a glass of inspiration. 

Now, this last technique is really out there and extremely unconventional. However, I advise you to definitely try it out. Take a glass of water before going to bed and whisper your intention in it before you drink it. The intention, in this case, would be for you to overcome your writers block or to find a creative solution to your problem. After you’ve whispered into it, drink half the glass and take a small nap. When you wake up, drink the rest of it with the same intention as you did before. Don’t be surprised when it actually ends up working for you.

Author Bio:

Bryony Ramsden:

Bryony Ramsden is serving in the limit of educators in the prestigious college of London. He is likewise accountable for the understudy warning council in his college and gives workshops on the task dealing with his understudies on different events and he is also giving his services in Assignment Writing Service UK online writing firm in UK.


  1. The post is informative and it talks about 7 helpful tips for overcoming writer’s block. Writers’ block is very common amid writers and it is a serious issue if you don’t handle it effectively. You can find many people get blocked with ideas and writing. They can get away from the writer’s block if they practice writing every day. They should take intentional effort to get away from the issue. All writers or creative content makers have had a point where they just can’t think of anything. You should not let your original and imaginative ideas go to waste because there are some effective methods available to solve the issue. If you go through the post, you can get 7 tips to overcome writers’ block issue.


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